Advanced content and image slider with video support and animated captions.
Create elegant fixed dimensions or full width sliders in no time! Fire slider is suitable for both simple slides (e.g. image only slideshow) and complex slides with inside animation.
Advanced layer options allow the user to create complex caption animation and turn a static image in an eye catching interactive banner. You can control animation type, speed, delay and easing; add start and end opacity, rotation and scale; set font size, text align and color.
Fire slider is fully responsive and will perfectly adapt to any screen resolution. Full width sliders have the option to become responsive for a specified screen size. Navigation is mobile optimized with touch swipe enabled.
Although fire slider has some very advanced options, you are not bound to use them. Plain image slides can be created quick and easy.
More Features
Animated Captions
Easily add image or html layers to show over after each slide transition.
All layers accept multiple animation and styles settings: transition effect, duration or delay; opacity, rotation or scale etc.
Video Support
YouTube or Vimeo videos can be added to any slide with only a page link required.
Other video formats that provide an embed code are supported as well.
Media is not appended and does not load heavy iframe until required.
Full Width and Full Screen Slider
A slider can autospan to match the width and the height of the browser window.
Full width and full screen sliders can become responsive under a specified screen size.
Entire slider and all inside captions are automatically scaled based on a proportion you can set. You also have the option to add resize points to manually control responsiveness.
Touch swipe navigation is enabled for touch screen devices.
Hardware Accelerated
Modern browsers (both mobile and desktop) will take advantage of hardware CSS3 transitions.
All animations and transforms are now automatically GPU accelerated instead of using the browser’s slower software rendering engine.
Lazy Loading
Each slide is loaded on request so users don't need to wait for the entire slider to download.
This is one of the performance optimizations that will improve considerably the user experience when browsing your store.