We are pleased to announce the immediate availability of Pavilion 1.0.1! This is maintenance release which fixes some issues reported in the support forum. The most notable changes are:
- fixed problems with asset paths on localhost with custom port
- admin panel saving was slowed down under specific circumstances
- menu cache was not cleared automatically after menu items were changed
- incorrectly imported custom css styles caused some color overrides
- category block markup adjustments
- minor overall css styling fixes
- the cart dropndown was shown even if checkout is disabled
The upgrade is as easy as described in documentation – just upload the appropriate for you OpenCart version files over the old ones. Also, do not forget to clear the cache from the admin panel. We may release another minor update before the next major update Pavilion 1.1.0 (coming next week), which will include:
- Category block – accordion mode
- News module
- Full width content rows
If you don’t own Pavilion, you can purchase it from themeforest only. It’s not sold anywhere else.
Please, do not post support questions in this thread. Use the appropriate forum instead.